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The Common-Sense Conservative Blog
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Judges Gone Wild
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Politics
There comes a time when it becomes obvious that we no longer have any control over our own judges. These un-elected dictators in black robes do as their own liberal agendas suit them. They feel no responsibility to you and I and lack the public review to keep them in line. There job is merely to interpret the Constitution, however based on many of their rulings one cant help but wonder if they have the same copy you and I have.

According to them women have the right to murder their own child in the womb, gay sexual relations and gay marriage are a protected right, porn is free speech, and a woman’s adulterous husband has the right to starve her to death against her true family’s wishes. What, according to them isn’t in compliance with the Constitution?

-Providing government funding to religious groups that provide much needed social programs.
-Protecting the life of the most defenseless American citizens.
-Denying privileges intended solely for U.S. citizens to illegals.
-Acknowledging the Christian roots of our society in any public manner, including the display of the Ten Commandments even though they grace the walls of the Supreme Court building.
-Allowing school children to recite a pledge that may instill patriotism because it includes the word “God.”
-Detaining terrorist found in the United States as enemy combatants.
-Refusing terrorist the right to access material which may endanger the life of American citizens.

What it really boils down to is that you can do anything you wish unless you don’t acknowledge God in any fashion. Christians are viewed by these nutty liberals and their cohorts as more dangerous than Osama and Islam. Muslims and Islam are to be viewed as peaceful while totally ignoring the fact that as much as 99% of all terrorism, world-wide is caused by the hands of Muslims. When will our elected leaders use their authority to take the U.S. back for the citizens? Governor Bush has the authority to save Terri Schiavo right now by bringing in the guard and placing her under protective custody however the liberal and their puppet Judges have scared him into inaction. We must remember that these judges aren’t infallible. It wasn’t so long ago the U.S. courts allowed the Jim Crow laws, segregation, and inequality of women to remain as perfectly constitutional.

If this country is to ever live up to its moral responsibilities and expectations we must first embrace a “culture of life,” and that will only happen when our elected leaders stop their obstructionism and allow the appointment of conservative, constitutionalist judges.

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 9:01 PM EST
Updated: Monday, January 23, 2006 1:10 AM EST
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