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The Common-Sense Conservative Blog
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Alito Sent to Floor Vote
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Court
Today Judge Samuel Alito was sent to a full floor vote by the Judiciary Committee. The vote on Alito went as expected. All Democrats on the committee voted no and all the Republicans voted yes. The fact that Senator Spector, one of the only “pro-choice” Republicans on the senate felt comfortable voting for this nominee should be high praise for his qualifications.

I disagree with Senator Spector on his pro-abortion stance however there can be no doubt that he is a highly respectable man who votes his conscience. Currently it appears that Judge Alito will be confirmed by the Senate to be our next Supreme Court Associate Justice, however this fight is far from over. When this goes to the Senate floor we can expect a lot of rhetoric from the Democrats and liberal special interest groups.

We must continue to encourage our senators vote yes on Judge Alito. He is a well qualified judge who will bring balance to this liberal-leaning court.

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 1:51 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:58 PM EST
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Alito Hearings are all About Roe
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Court
Today the confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel A. Alito begin. Sitting here, half way through the opening statement of that liberal, drunken idiot Teddy Kennedy it is appearing my dread was well founded. The liberal faction in congress is coming out very strongly to see to it that this nominee’s confirmation is defeated. Kennedy has started the mudslinging and attempted to paint Alito as a racist, anti-women, partisan bigot. It is a little odd that Kennedy felt it appropriate to vote for Alito in other appointments.

Kennedy stated that over 15 years Alito has never ruled in favor of an African-America individual in an employment dispute. To Kennedy this is proof positive that Alito holds some dark racist agenda. This just goes to show Kennedy’s total lack of understanding of the entire judicial system. It would appear that Kennedy feels Alito should not judge each case on its merits but should, instead place a lighter burden of proof on minorities. That would negate the equality and fairness of our courts.

Many on the Judiciary Committee would do well to remember that a Supreme Court Nominee is not a politician. He does not have the luxury of catering to (or taking bribes from) special interest groups. His burden is to be fair in his decisions and he has, thus far showed himself able to meet that burden. Perhaps it is that fairness that frightens Senator Kennedy. Fairness is something Kennedy had no interest in when his drunken incompetence lead to the death of a young woman and he attempted to lie his way out; which he successfully did.

Judge Alito has an exceptional record of public service. However Senate Democrats will come out strongly because Alito has stated he does not believe there is a constitutional right to an abortion. Our constitution states that we are endowed by our creator with the right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Pro-lifers are not interested in intruding on the right to privacy. We vlaue that right as much as those across the aisle. We are however greatly concerned that some have decided to write the right to murder ones unborn children into our constitution and take that decision away from elected leaders. The Democrats pretend they are interested in ending or preventing “judicial activism.” However none had any complaints with the greatest example of judicial activism; Roe v. Wade.

The most heart wrenching part of this first day of hearings came at the end of the opening statements with Senator Coburn. The good senator pointed out, very pungently that there can be no misunderstanding; this is clearly about Roe. As a Doctor he spoke of the number of women he was treated for complications from botched abortions. He also spoke of how insulting it is that pro-choice senators have tried to sanitize the issue by calling it “the right to choose.” He went on to point out the inconsistency of Supreme Court rulings on life issues. He stated that the Supreme Court decided that a mother had the legal right to kill her unborn child but later decided that an individual didn’t have the right to choose to end their own life. He also said that it was sad that our country has reached the point where murdering ones own child is protected however religious speech is restricted.

I would like the end this article with a few stats provided by Senator Coburn:

-80 to 90% of children with Down Syndrome will be killed in the womb this year based on genetic tests that can be wrong.
-16 days after conception a heartbeat can be found on an infant.
-39 days after conception brain waves can be detected and pain can be felt.

If anyone can look at those stats and still believe there is any reasoning for legalized abortion they lack all compassion and should not be in office.

It is my hope that Alito will be confirmed however it will be a heated battle. I ask all citizens to watch how their Senator votes on this nominee and remember that vote when election day rolls around.

Good Day and God bless

Aaron C. Kinder

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 9:01 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:27 PM EST
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