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The Common-Sense Conservative Blog
Sunday, December 12, 2004
To Those that Hate Me
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Politics
The local news paper has allowed several people over the previous weeks to bash me in there paper. The following article is my short response to those letters. (The Local paper has refused to print this article claiming that the subject has already been exhausted. As of February 22, 2005 the article has yet to be printed. )

Over the past couple of weeks there have been many letters speaking of me, either by referring to the idea’s espoused in my previous letters or mentioning me by name. I wish to assure you all that I impenitently stand by my previous statements. One can no more be a faithful Christian while voting for the current Democratic leadership than to be a self respecting black man voting for David Duke.

Some have indirectly called me “morally, ethically and religiously irresponsible.” To those individuals I say that it is more irresponsible to cling to religious and moral values and also vote for individuals that will oppose those values every step of the way. At least I have the chutzpah to stand by my values when others don’t.

To those of you who contend to be Christians and voted Democrat, while knowing the party’s stand on moral issues I say shame on you. One of the letters stated that there were issues other than abortion and that is, of course true. However, to place higher importance on taxes than on human life is akin to selling Christ for thirty pieces of silver all over again. Being a Christian is not a cloak to wear when times are rough and toss aside when convenient.

A short note about our former President Clinton. It was said that he straightened our Bush Sr.’s mess, and gave us a surplus. High praises are certainly due to a man who lied under oath, exposed himself to a number of women, promoted abortion and the gay lifestyle, and also had the astuteness to turn down Osama (even then known as a terrorist responsible for the first Trade Center bombing and a couple of embassy bombings), who would later murder a couple thousand people on U.S. soil.

I end with one quote: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 9:01 PM EST
Updated: Monday, January 23, 2006 1:11 AM EST
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