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The Common-Sense Conservative Blog
Thursday, April 7, 2011

remote Posted by Aaron Kinder at 4:31 PM EDT
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

remote Posted by Aaron Kinder at 5:08 PM EDT
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
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remote Posted by Aaron Kinder at 3:55 PM EDT
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remote Posted by Aaron Kinder at 3:55 PM EDT
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remote Posted by Aaron Kinder at 3:49 PM EDT
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remote Posted by Aaron Kinder at 3:49 PM EDT
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Friday, March 3, 2006
Planned Parenthood and NOW, Run for the Hills
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Politics
One piece of news really raised eyebrows this past week and had many on the left in a downright tizzy. Just recently, South Dakota passed a ban on all abortion procedures in the state. The only exception made was for the life (not health) of the mother. The left is saying this is merely an orchestrated effort by the conservatives to get Roe v. Wade overturned. Its so seldom I get to say this but theyre correct.

This bill was passed purely so the state would be taken to court and the case could work its way to the Supreme Court. However, its interesting to note that, while the state house sponsor was a Republican the state senate co-sponsor was a Democrat. Im going to address Democrat involvement in this a little later but for now lets stick to the bill.

Now that it has been passed all the remains to be done to make this the first state to ban abortion since the fall out of Roe is for the Governor of South Dakota, Mike Rounds, a Republican, to sign it into law. So far the Governor has indicated that he has every intention to do so.

Planned Parenthood Federation of American stated on their website:

Anti-choice forces in South Dakota are on a mission to make the state the most hostile to reproductive rights in the country. And sadly, as a recent state task force on abortion revealed, they are not too far from reaching that goal.

They further stated:

There are people in the legislature who would have a dream that South Dakota brings the ultimate case that overturns Roe v. Wade, says (Maria ) Bell. In fact, earlier this year, Governor Rounds said that he wanted to see the decision overturned and expressed eagerness to get legislation in place that could successfully challenge it.

The mere fact that Planned Parenthood is getting nervous is enough to make me giddy. These fema-nazis have gotten there way, making up so-called right, for far to long. They often like to call it Reproductive Rights. Well, I guess Hitler and Stalin could have just called the Holocaust and Pogroms population control but it still doesnt make it right.

This fabricated right is responsible for more lost lives than the Holocaust. The right to choose is really nothing less than a copout for women who dont want to take responsibility for their own actions. Planned Parenthood loves to attack Gov. Rounds because he has had the chutzpah and honesty from the very beginning to say that he would like to see Roe overturned. Im really not sure what the liberals are more angry about; the fact that Gov. Rounds is opposed to abortion or perhaps because he dares to be honest, something they had never thought of.

Dont think that merely because a Democrat co-sponsored this bill they are moving to the center. This current Democratic party is firmly on the left. All that we see happening by the Democrats (especially Hillary) is an attempt to appear moderate for upcoming elections. This ban may force them to retreat from strategy as their liberal bases rears its very ugly (thinking of Gloria Steinem) head.

With this new Supreme Court we may have a chance at seeing a true, modern days Civil Rights (of the unborn) fight come out victorious. Keep praying. Keep hoping and keep kick liberal asses.

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 1:33 AM EST
Updated: Friday, March 3, 2006 1:35 AM EST
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Carter, Muhammad & Liberalism - Terrorism in all its forms.
Mood:  loud
Topic: Politics
If you had the feeling that the partisan tone couldn’t get any worse you would have been wrong. I’ve held off a few weeks to respond to much of this, but what can I say, I enjoy a good show.

Issue one is Coretta Scott Kings funeral. As the first lady of the Civil Rights movement she deserved a funeral fitting a place in history. What she got was nothing less than a Democratic Parade and Bush-Bashing festival. The President and his father showed great courage coming to an event that they knew could turn hostile. However what came about was more repulsive than I’m sure they had counted on.

Rev. Lowery made a pathetic anti-war speech. I can’t say that I really expected any better from the gentleman. Over the years most of these, so called Civil Rights leaders have fallen prey to the b.s flowing from the Democratic party. I’m really not sure why I was surprised by Carters comments. While trying to link the current “wire-tapping scandal” to the wire-tapping that took placing during the active days of the Movement he failed to mention that the tap on Martin and Coretta King was approved by the Democratic golden boys, Kennedy brothers John and Robert. I guess that just slipped his growingly senile mind.

Issue two is this lovely Muhammad cartoon scandal. As if we didn’t have enough proof that this “religion of peace” rhetoric was a load of crap, on come the riots. Its makes perfect sense that the Muslim reaction to some saying they arent a religion of peace is to burn buildings, murder and, of course attack the Jews. Of course, the American press has fallen prey to the disease of political correctness and most have refused to show them. I guess we are just supposed to take the New York Times word that they are offensive. Well the New York Times should know about offensive. After all, they were happy to show the image known as the “Piss Christ” and an image of the Virgin Mary covered in dung.

Now many in the Islamic world are calling for continuing violence and cartoons about the holocaust. I have no idea why I didnt like them. You liberals must have been right; they really are peace loving individuals (sarcasm). I love that its not politically incorrect to say that Muslims are violent terrorist and procedures which involve ripping an un-born child to pieces must be referred to as the “right to choose,” however its perfectly fine to call devoted Christians bigots, fanatics, and fundamentalist. To listen to the Democrats you would think evangelicals and Republicans flew those planes into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania field.

For once why dont we learn to call things as they are. Im going to go out on a limb here and do something that those in politics seldom do; tell the truth. Muslims are terrorist. Those that arent directly involved in the terrorist activity are supporting it. There is only one way to bring peace to the Islamic world. A. Convert them all to Christianity or B. Bomb the hell out of them.

Continuing on this honesty kick: Abortion is murder. It doesn't matter what your reason is it still wrong. Affirmative Action is racist. The ACLU should be added to the list of terrorist organizations, Hillary Clinton is evil and Teddy Kennedy is a fat ass drunk. I believe that pretty well covers it. If you have a problem with what I have said please email me. Ill use the emails in a later article to ridicule you. Thanks as always.

Proud Member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Aaron C. Kinder

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 2:40 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:05 AM EST
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
The Sanitization of Abortion
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Politics
As most of your already know, I am a strong conservative Republican. Many democrats try to make it seem like we Republicans are rich cronies, looking only for another tax loophole. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am your average, middle class guy, working hard to pay the bills.

The reason I am a Republican is because I will not leave my faith outside the voting booth. Even more so, I will not turn my back on our founding documents and the dreams of our founding fathers. One issues that always gets me overwrought is abortion. Democrats know that abortion is a procedure that the majority of Americans find grizzly. That is why they have sanitized it by calling it the right to choose. It isnt a right to choose. Its merely the right to take the easy way out and murder your child.

Lets look at what the right to choose really is. Its puncturing the head of a pre-born child and sucking its brain out. Once the skull has collapsed it is removed from the uterus. What is truly frightening is that is the more humane abortion practice. The others involved tearing the child limb from limb and removing it a piece at a time. Is this a right to be protected?

The architect of our government, Thomas Jefferson, wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The right to life is paramount. Without the right to life none other exist. One will never vote, pay taxes, become clerics, become public servants or fall in love and have a family if their basic right to be born is not secured. The Democrats want us to protect the homeless, handicapped (both admirable), the promiscuous, atheist and homosexual but where is their compassion for the most vulnerable in our society.

Many in the Democratic party make a big deal about the life of the mother. I agree that when the life of the mother is at extreme risk, she should have options. However, medical reasons account for only seven percent of abortions. As a Jew I will not throw the term Holocaust around lightly, however that is the term that applies to this situation. Under Hitler six million Jews were murdered because of bigotry. Under Roe v. Wade (1973) more than forty-million children have been murdered merely for being an inconvenience. Sanitizing it by calling it a right to choose is an insult to the babies being murdered and the vision of our founding fathers. Until we reject our culture of death for a culture of life we will never live up to Ronald Reagans noble vision of a shining city up on a hill.

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 12:16 AM EST
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Alito Sent to Floor Vote
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Court
Today Judge Samuel Alito was sent to a full floor vote by the Judiciary Committee. The vote on Alito went as expected. All Democrats on the committee voted no and all the Republicans voted yes. The fact that Senator Spector, one of the only “pro-choice” Republicans on the senate felt comfortable voting for this nominee should be high praise for his qualifications.

I disagree with Senator Spector on his pro-abortion stance however there can be no doubt that he is a highly respectable man who votes his conscience. Currently it appears that Judge Alito will be confirmed by the Senate to be our next Supreme Court Associate Justice, however this fight is far from over. When this goes to the Senate floor we can expect a lot of rhetoric from the Democrats and liberal special interest groups.

We must continue to encourage our senators vote yes on Judge Alito. He is a well qualified judge who will bring balance to this liberal-leaning court.

Posted by Aaron Kinder at 1:51 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:58 PM EST
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